Wednesday, 12 June 2019

Happy To Start School After All the Tumoil.

I'm so happy he started his school again after the surgery. But we have gone through a lot.

School really wanted Pranav's safe return which I totally appreciate. But His surgery is not something unplanned. Moreover about Pranav's surgery it was discussed two months prior to his Surgery with the concerned person.The response I received was "I don't know anything about this surgery. In Fact I'm hearing about it for the first time". That day I tried to explain that many children from the UK have been getting this surgery to improve the level of their independence. I was not reciprocated the interest to understand about this surgery. Not even a single attempt to understand how it is life changing for one of their school pupils.

Fast Forward: 6 weeks after our return, when I contacted school about his return is I was told,   " we need to assess Pranav until then we can't give you any start date for Pranav".

Oh Wow.. I didn't expect to hear this, I have been communicating that Pranav Will go for surgery, But the concerned dept has failed to understand and never attempted to understand. Due to which Pranav has to wait for his assessments for another  3 weeks. If the concerned dept would have understood earlier, we could have arranged his assessments by the time of his return.

So as a parent, obviously we are frustrated and depressed with no start date for his school having the Health Professionals( who worked closely with Pranav
) discharge summary which says he is SAFE TO RETURN to school.

SEN team  is to help and support families and children with special needs. They are not from school.

We have contacted SEN team seeking help/support. What all I was told is "the SEN member contacted various health professionals and was told Pranav is highly at risk to attend school"..

So without assessing they say Pranav is at high risk.(this is highly valuable for SEN and school) And the professionals who worked closely with Pranav confirmed he is safe to return to school which is of no value at all.

Without Assessment Pranav is at HIGH RISK -- confirmed by the health professional, this was communicated to us by SEN member.  It really shook me. The lack of knowledge of someone is confusing the whole system here. As a parent who look after my son 24 hours I can see my boy happily playing around, and someone confirmed he is at HIGH RISK.. totally unacceptable.

I have had lots of questions throughout
  • Why didn't you arrange when we were away for 6 weeks, although I have been proactive in communicating. (It's because the concerned member from school , didn't attempt to understand when I communicated).
  • A question for health professionals who said Pranav is at high risk?  How come a health professional can say Pranav is at high risk without assessment or without any physical examination(No answer for me till today) that's because they have no evidence.
  • A question for SEN who said Pranav has to attend 3 physio sessions in a week from the NHS hence it is difficult for him to attend school? -- Oh that's strange I want to see in reality NHS giving 3 Physio sessions per week.
  • Will there be any penalty fee at all? I have received penalty twice from school and council although I have submitted authorised letter for his physio treatment. Before our trip/travel I had to take time out of the strenuous schedule to sort this out. I wonder now if there is any penalty fee at all to the concerned?

If an individual exclude my son I wouldn't fight back instead I create awareness. Because we can't change an individual's perception. We can only present facts with lot of awareness.

But if a system/an individual who is in place for coordinating special needs children or families, exclude my son due to the lack of knowledge I would definitely fight back.

So what happened In the assessment?
Assessment happened with two health professionals OT and PT from NHS, who confirmed Pranav is definitely capable of doing transfers and safe to return to school. And they have confirmed, as I have demonstrated the transfers and comparing with his previous care plan. And the physiotherapist who came to assess pranav is the new one as the old one was moved to another department. So a new physiotherapist has confirmed( who never worked with Pranav before surgery or till today) and hence school and SEN team happy to take back Pranav.

So the overall assessment I strongly say " without my (mum's) demonstration I don't know what the health professionals would have said. In my demonstration Pranav could do sit to stand and turn around to be able to seated on the other chair.. And  after his return to school, school has asked me to be there whenever they need help/support for Pranav for which I'm more than happy to come and help. This is what I have been trying to tell them I can come and help. I have helped in the past. But my demonstration of transfers had no value until the new physiotherapist confirmed(who never worked with Pranav before)  which has got value today when he needs to return to school. I understand the value health professionals in my life I don't know where I would go without health professionals help to support my son. But I rely on health professionals who closely work with Pranav.

Being my son's carer for 24 hours, no one knows my child better than me. Not even health professionals who sees him rarely.  All mums must strongly believe in our care, in our instincts, in your upbringing. No one can say what your child can do or what he can't not even the health professionals.

Some people ask me why don't you go back to work as Pranav is going to school?..Well I'm already working 24*7 for which I'm very proud of.

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