Sunday 4 June 2017

Pranav Walking(holding the bars) After Botox

Pranav was admitted to the day ward for surgery. He was really brave during this process. He allowed to give anesthesia through his hands(although its painful). 

After Botox, Pranav's spasticity is reduced a bit. Due to weight constraint, he has got a limited dose of botox. It took a week to see the change in his spasticity.

Although there is no significant change in the spasticity, Pranav showed the siginificant change in his walking pattern. He is able to walk holding the bars without our support. He did not want us to hold!!! He wanted to walk by himself. But still, we safeguard around him as he needs balance and strength to the left arm. His scissoring pattern is reduced a lot while holding the bars. It's a great change!!

I have uploaded the video here. After seeing him walking, I feel he is really determined to walk independently.